New Patient Page

Welcome and thank you for choosing us for your therapy and rehabilitation needs! To expedite your registration process, we have provided you with the registration forms necessary to begin therapy. Please fill out the registration forms completely and bring it with you to your first appointment. We ask that you show up 10 minutes prior to your evaluation time so we can make copies of needed insurance and appointment related information.

Please note, you will also be required to provide us with the following documentation prior to your evaluation:

  • Prescription from your physician if not sent to us directly
  • Proof of all insurances to be billed
  • Worker's compensation case number and case worker contact information if related to a work comp case
  • Party at-fault insurance information and Personal Insurance (Med-Pay) if related to an auto accident or personal injury case

*Worker's Compensation and Personal Injury cases may be required to also provide us personal insurance information to ensure payment in the event your case or claim is denied.

Registration Packet - New Patients

New Patient Registration Packet
Registration Form Packet 2024[15412].pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 265.0 KB
Registration Packet for Worker's Comp Patients
Work Comp Registration Form Packet 2024.
Microsoft Word Document 148.1 KB

Patient COVID Policy


2021 Patient COVID Policy
Patient Protocol COVID-19 072721.docx
Microsoft Word Document 67.5 KB
Joyner Therapy Services Notice of Privacy Policy & Practices
Updated January 24, 2017
Microsoft Word Document 20.0 KB


Q. How does the therapy process work? How will I know if it is right for me?

A. Your first appointment is an evaulation. The therapist will get a health history, information related to your injury or condition, and any other pertinent information related to your case. The therapist will then take measurements related to your current abilities, range of motion, physical limitations, etc. Based on the information gathered at this appointment, the therapist will explain to you the plan of care (POC). This plan will detail the types of treatment you may undergo, the exercises you may do, and the frequency you will be required to be seen. This plan of care will also be submitted to your referring physician and signed off on for approval.


Q. How do I know if my treatments will be covered by my insurance?

A. As the consumer, you are responsible to know your insurance coverage and benefits. Call your insurance provider and ask for your Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy coverage breakdown. Make sure you know if you have co-pays that apply to each appointment and how much you have applied toward your deductible for the year. Our insurance and billing staff will also verify your benefits prior to your appointment given the insurance information you provide us.


Q. How can I keep from re-injuring myself after therapy concludes?

A. Your therapist will educate you throughout your therapy process about your condition and how therapy is effectively treating it. The therapist will also provide you with a home exercise program (HEP) to keep you on track during and after your therapy. We pride ourselves on educating our patients and keeping them healthy after they leave.


Have questions of your own? Visit our "Contact Us" page. Or, visit us on FACEBOOK @